Tools and tutorials for Ravencoin developers.
Adoption will come when developers build stuff.
Ravencoin as a service
Experimental yet powerful open Web APIs for Ravencoin
BaaS (Blockchain-as-a-Service)
Tools for developers
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-key - generate private keys
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-message - Sign and verify digital signatures
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-rpc - RPC calls from Node.js to your Raven core node
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-history-list - A human understandable list of in or outgoing transactions
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-reader - Read information from Ravencoin blockchain.
- @ravenrebels/ravencoin-jswallet EXPERIMENTAL JS client to send/receive RVN
Tutorials for developers
Check out our Youtube channel
Sign in using Ravencoin NFTs
Use our Identity Provider (IdP) to enable Raven Sign in on your app or web site
Chrome Extension - Ravencoin Sign message extension, you can test it with this Demo site
Demo. Sign in to web sites using #Ravencoin #NFT s@JenRossbergArt #RVN $RVN
— RavenRebels ∞/21M (@RavenRebels) September 10, 2022
Public beta = soon pic.twitter.com/Xc21pyaYzy
Play around on testnet
A simple tool where you can play around with some wallets on testnet https://testnet.ting.finance/
Block explorers
Setup a Testnet node in minutes
The data directory for testnet 4.6 (all OS)
You have to download Raven core 4.6 yourself and replace the
data directory. BACKUP YOUR WALLET.DAT
LINK. Should work for any OS.
Windows only - full client and all data version 4.6
If you are on windows, you can download our Kickstarter package
Raven core QT 4.6 testnet for windows
Extract the zip-file and run rvn.bat
Why use Ravencoin
Ravencoin enables you to create your own digital tokens/assets
Digital tokens can represent and transfer value electronically, which makes them useful for a variety of applications.
Gift cards and vouchers:
Digital tokens can be used to represent and transfer the value of a gift card or voucher electronically. This can be convenient for both the purchaser and the recipient of the gift card or voucher, as it allows for the transfer of value to be made easily and securely without the need for physical cards or vouchers.Security tokens:
A security token is a type of digital token that represents ownership in an asset, such as a company or real estate. Security tokens can be used to represent and transfer ownership stakes in a company or other asset electronically, which can make it easier to buy, sell, and manage ownership interests.Follow us on Twitter
Dark/Light mode ready.
— RavenRebels (@RavenRebels) April 5, 2021
Next up is Paypal integration
WHAT are we creating? A web app for buying, receiving, sending #Ravencoin assets/tokens #RVN .
WHY? Humanity should have easy access to Ravencoin/tokens/assets.
Here is a sneak peak. Full video comin up. pic.twitter.com/DdfUw24YbH